Help us to transform The Globe, and reinvigorate Torrington…

Get Involved

The strength of a community project is in the local people who join in to make it work. We are going to create a Friends Of The Globe group, so that volunteers can play a full part in the efforts; that will come once the main early hurdle – purchase – is overcome. Right now, we need as many people as possible to sign up as Supporters – this makes a huge difference to our chances of raising the grant funding we need.

Show Your Support Here:

Please sign up to show your support for our plans. We really need your help, because proving community demand is the key to achieving our goals. We’ll keep you in touch and invite you to the successive community events and openings!

The Globe Hotel, Torrington - A New Start for our Town

Our group has been working for years to try and save the Globe Hotel. We are delighted to announce that the project is now live, at last. We have a real chance to take the building into community ownership and refurbish it fully.

Your Support is Absolutely Vital – Please Sign Up

The Globe Torrington Limited is a Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Registration Number 9288, Castle Hill, Great Torrington, Devon, EX38 8AA